Monday, December 29, 2008

A photo addition to the update:

Craig & Bri
May 30.2009

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Only slightly overdue....

HOORAY!! The North Wing is FINALLY updating their blog! Here are some highlights from the past year....

It started off with (imagine this!)--snow!!!! This is a view out Kristi's parent's back yard.

And, of course, the incredible cooking forces of the North Wing....Easten and Bri here are demonstrating the power of the Cheese Apron.

We have had lots of fun with friends and small group "groupies"....

...And of course with the neighbor's children. This is Kate and Byron.

...And Bri and Ruth. They are mastering the Art of the Marshmallow.

Kristi went to the Twin's Home Opener for the year....might we add that it snowed over 12 inches that night--namely, March 31st?!

Kristi went to England, Ireland, and Wales with her parents in March/April.

This is in London....

Outside of London (has anyone seen Mr. Darcy???)

This is at Hampton Court...

Here is Ireland...

And Wales. This first picture was taken by Kristi, who was on a horseback ride through the mountains/beaches of Wales--it was AMAZING.

This is Wales by car. This is a road...I, uh, think.

Meanwhile, Easten, Bri, and Kate held down the fort at is Easten and Ruth.

In July, Easten, Kristi, and Kate did the Minneman Triathlon--Bri was the house team manager (she was rewarded for her VERY early morning of moral supporting with a free hot 8:00 AM!) We all finished and are already planning on next year!

Some of the most important news of the year is that our dear roommate Bri got engaged to Craig!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(hmmmm...we are picture-less on this one! We'll have to work on that)

...and Easten started um, "grabbing dinner" with Micah (heh heh). Micah proved to be very useful during PlumFest 2008.... which we had a harvest of over 55 lbs of plums from the one tree in our backyard. This is but a small representation of our harvest...we used just about every kind of mixing bowl, serving bowl, salad bowl, we could find!

Kristi, Easten, and Micah went to the State Fair this year...hopefully it is the only time Kristi will ever have to go in a wheelchair (due to foot/ankle injuries incurred during a street fight with a curb. Kristi lost).

Easten and Micah on the bus....

Kristi in her wheelchair (Kudos to Micah for pushing it for 6 hours!)

Gotta love the milk mustache....

And of course the sheep.

Also of note from the year are two visits from our dear friend Jenny... well as several Easten-Kristi "dates", including the Museum of Art (did you know a splotch of ketchup on white construction paper is considered art? So is a lobster glued to a phone and spray painted white). It was an enlightening experience.

Kate, a.k.a. "Dr. Nelson", expanded into the world of orthodontic repair, assisted by Easten.

Also the un-photographed news....

*Kate, in between cooking ventures and sleeping in between night shifts, got a new job on a new unit at Abbott Northwestern hospital! She will be working in an ICU stepdown unit.

*Easten, Kristi, and Kate are all taking TBI classes and LOVING them!

*Kristi and Kate are busy hosting small group hopefully soon! This has been a huge blessing for both of us.

*Bri, very sadly, will be moving in a week or so. We have labeled this the "Subject of Which We Do Not Speak". : ) In reality, we will miss her very, very much--and we hope she comes back "home" often!!

I am sure I have missed something of importance of the past year--but nevertheless, we hope you have enjoyed our "Tour of 2008". Hopefully we will be updating a little more frequently. However, it is truly a blessing to be able to remember this past year--and to acknowledge God's faithfulness in it. Not just His faithfulness to sustain, provide, and protect--but also His faithfulness to do "exceedingly, abundantly beyond all you can ask or imagine"!! We are so thankful to Him for these memories, for each other, and for the promises yet to be fulfilled. We are looking forward to another year of His mercies, which are "new every morning"!

love kristi